Happy to report it's just our first month "in business" we're off to a great start! It's been so fun to take our first orders in person and online. We absolutely love it when our customers share information with us like what connection they have to the work, how it makes them feel, and how/where they'll display it. Here's handful of recent sales we'd like to share!
Hood River local Dana came to our First Friday event on May 1st to check out the work. "Gorgeous Expanse" caught her eye, along with a few others! Her husband Jeff's 40th birthday was coming up and she wanted to gift him a beautiful print, so she arranged to come back to the gallery and make her final decision. She even got to bring her mother-in-law Meleanna along to help who was visiting from Hawaii. Dana ended up going with her gut and chose the large 20"x72" Panoramic Metal Print we had displayed in the gallery.
Dana said "This picture was especially meaningful to us because it shows the whole valley, river and mountain. Jeff is part of the Crag Rats and has spent many days and nights climbing Mt Hood for rescues and for fun, I've worked for WyEast vineyards in the valley for about 3 years now, and both of us love to play on the water, so it really encompasses everything we love about the Hood River area!"
Thank you Dana!
Dana and Meleanna excited about deciding on "Gorgeous Expanse"
And here it hangs in their home :)
Our first official order on the website was from a family friend, Laurie Jones. Laurie expressed interest in purchasing this image when it was first published to Beautiful Hood River in July of 2014. Laurie's husband Chris Jones and 2 others tragically died in a small plane crash in 2005. When Laurie first messaged us what this photo means to her, it filled our hearts with gratitude and was so humbling that an image could mean this much to someone. Shared with permission, here are Laurie's words:
"The day after my husbands plane went down I was on my deck looking at Mt. Adams and hoping they would find our plane with 3 survivors. I saw the exact image you captured and I thought of it as a halo of peace. At that moment in my heart I knew that God had called them home. A few minutes later I received a call from Sheriff Wampler telling me they had spotted the crash and their was no sign of life..... I would love to hang it in my bedroom. Brings me peace!"
Wow, what an incredible honor that this image brings you peace. We can't wait to see a photo of the beautiful 20"x30" metal print hanging in your bedroom. Thank you, Laurie!
Mt Adams Lenticular Cloud Sunset
Our second order from the website was quite exciting too! Jason & Melissa from California learned about our work after a mutual friend had shared it on Facebook, and kindly shared this with us:
"We had been looking for fun pictures to decorate our kids bathroom. We loved the underwater shots so we picked a few and asked our daughter (4) and our son (2 1/2) which ones they liked. They chose the two we ordered. They will be displayed on either side of the kids sink so they can look at them every night. I also was so excited you guys offer metal prints because I think the look is stunning. The other point I wanted to make was the site is very well done. Being able to see what the piece will look like hanging on a wall is awesome. Well done."
Wow, so very cool the kids picked the images! Love it. We are very excited about adding more animal & underwater images to our site in the future, and adding a whole section dedicated for kids rooms as well, so stay tuned. Thank you, Jason & Melissa!
Here are the two images they ordered, both as 12"x18" Metal Prints. PS- Metal Prints are PERFECT for humid environments like bathrooms, kitchens, etc. The scratch resistant surface is also waterproof and they're not bothered a bit by water and high humidity environments!
"On Defense" - Porcupine pufferfish in Baja California, Mexico
"Sally Lightfoot" - Sally Lightfoot Crab poses in Baja California, Mexico
Another recent sale on our website was to Jacqueline who lives in the Portland area. Her husbands birthday is on July 4th, and they often spend that holiday in Hood River. When she saw this image on Beautiful Hood River, she knew it would make a perfect birthday gift and decided on a 20"x30" metal print. And yes, he loved it! Thank you, Jacqueline!
Hood River Fourth of July Fireworks with Mt Hood
One last recent sale to feature was to Adam, who lives in the Portland area and just built a new house. He loves to day trip away to Hood River, and stopped in at River Daze Cafe for a bite to eat. He noticed our work on the walls and decided a couple pieces would look awesome on the walls of his new home in Portland. After a bit of discussion we sold him one off the wall at River Daze, and made another custom framed & matted print to match the other. Here's the two pieces ready to go and be delivered. Thanks, Adam!
Mt Hood Aerial, and "Beautiful Hood River" framed & matted photography (sorry about the terrible iPhone snapshot)
Anyway, thanks so much everyone for your interest in what we're doing and we look forward to hearing from you with any questions & inquiries about what photos you love and want on your walls! :)
Visit our shop here, and remember if an image you've seen and want to order isn't on the site, no problem! Just use this product to place an order of any image not seen on the site.